Cookie Policy
Essensys nv collects data to provide you a better browsing experience, to optimize our services and to offer you relevant products and/or services that connect to your interests. This data may come in the form of cookies or pixels. Below we will explain how these cookies work and how you can configure them.
What is a cookie?
Cookies are small text files that are saved on your computer through a website. Cookies typically contain information about your actions on the website: preferences you may have selected, pages you have visited ... Unless you have adjusted your browser settings so that it will refuse all cookies, our systems will issue cookies as soon as you visit our website.
Why does Essensys nv use cookies?
Essensys nv uses cookies primarily to optimize your user experience and to improve the performance of our website. We also use cookies to tailor our website content to your personal needs and preferences. In addition, we use cookies to map your browsing behaviour (e.g. how you found our website or your browsing time on our website). Statistical data allow us to make improvements to our website if necessary and to meet your needs and preferences and those of other website users.
How long are cookies stored in my browser?
- Temporary cookies or session cookies are saved to your browser temporarily. This means that this type of cookies will be deleted once you exit your browser session.
- Permanent cookies will remain stored on your computer or mobile device, even if you close your browser. Permanent cookies allow us to recognize you when you revisit our website in the future. Permanent cookies will remain stored on your device until they expire, until a new cookie is installed, or until you remove them via the settings of your browser or mobile device.
What cookies does Essensys nv use?
The cookies on our website are categorized according to their use (functional cookies, performance cookies and advertising cookies). Generally speaking, we distinguish between two types of cookies:
- First-party cookies are placed and used by Essensys nv. They enable us to optimize the quality of our services based on your browsing behaviour on our websites.
- Third-party cookies are created and used by third-party partners. These cookies provide you with a better browsing experience and change your experience based on your browsing behaviour on our website.
Functional cookies
Functional cookies are essential to ensure that our website functions correctly. They also allow us to improve the performance of our website.
Statistics cookies
We use these cookies to collect information about the use of our website. They are used to record the performance and loading times of the website and specific pages.
Changing your web browser settings
You can change your web browser settings to enable or disable cookies. Click on the link for your browser below to find more information on how to change your cookie settings.
- Cookies - Internet Explorer
- Cookies - Microsoft Edge
- Cookies - Mozilla Firefox
- Cookies - Google Chrome
- Cookies - Safari
- Cookies - Opera
Other useful sources
Use the links below to find out more about the use of cookies by advertisers:
How to contact us
If you have any questions on our use of cookies, you can always get in touch with us:
Our email:
Call us at: +32 2 761 94 62
Or write to us:
Essensys nv
Tervurenlaan 270
BE-1150 Brussel
Changes to our policy
This cookie policy supersedes all previous versions and is valid from 1 August 2020. We reserve the right to make changes to and/or update to this policy.