Our expertise

About Essensys

Why leading businesses rely on Essensys

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    Proven expertise

    For over 26 years, Essensys has successfully delivered Executive Interim Management solutions to clients across all industries.

    Your project is in good hands because we successfully executed over 3231 assignments, with a yearly returning client satisfaction rate of over 95,6%.

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    Highly acclaimed team

    Our Partners and Senior Advisors have executive-level experience at international companies and SMEs.

    Their comprehensive business knowledge allows them to quickly understand your demand, identify potential issues and select and coach the perfect Interim Manager for your journey.

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    Guaranteed success

    Our organization and processes are 4-star certified by Lloyd's Register (LRQA). We received the maximum score several years in a row during the yearly quality audit.

    We deliver what we promise! You can rest assured, your requests for Executive Interim Managers are in excellent hands.


Covering all domains

The extensive experience of our Essensys Team and the widespread network of Executive Interim Managers allows us to deliver fast and efficient solutions. More than 50% of the successfully completed mandates are within the domain of general and operations management

The wide range of domains we cover on a daily basis:

  • General management
  • Operations management
  • Logistics management
  • Sales & marketing management
  • ICT management
  • Human resources management
  • Finance management

Personalized and full-service approach

Competitive environments call for a fast reaction to business challenges. To reinforce your business a swift, personalized and full-service approach is offered.


Three-step process for maximum support

  • Scoping
    Together we first thoroughly analyze your specific needs and determine subsequently actionable goals and objectives. The Essensys Senior Advisors are active in a wide range of professional communities and industries. This ensures that your needs and objectives are understood, allowing us to select the best Executive Interim Manager.
  • Screening
    For your specific request the best corporate fit is selected. Our rigorous vetting process starts with an initial interview of all Interim Managers. Subsequently, in the context of a specific assignment, the Senior Advisor enters into an in-depth conversation with selected Executive Managers. The assessment considers the core competencies, skills and cultural fit for your specific request. The end result? An Interim Executive Manager who is ready to turn a challenge into an opportunity.
  • Support
    By means of regular progress meetings together with you and the Essensys Executive Interim Manager, we provide a continuous follow-up throughout the duration of the assignment. Together we work towards the speedy achievement of the collectively specified goals. We are only satisfied if you are.

360-degree partnerships for maximum business transformation

If insufficient internal resources are available for implementing your larger scale change and transformation programs, we do provide extensive teams through our affiliated companies.

We call upon:

Experts in finance, supply chain and procurement from Intys Consulting
HR experts from Weevo HR
Support staff from Talentus

The integrated team is directed by the Essensys Change and Transformation Manager. The Essensys Senior Advisor will provide regular progress meetings with you and the Interim Manager. Together we will deliver return on your investment.

Trusted partnerships make for better business support.

Discover more about our expertise